造成: give rise to; bring about; c ...火焰: flame; blaze伤害: harm; hurt; injure; impair且: just; for the time being有: 5年 fifteen years一定: fixed; established; regular机: machine; engine率: rate; ratio; proportion使: send; tell sb. to do sth.对方: the other side; the other pa ...着火: inflame; kindle; catch fire; ...造成电击伤害,且有一定机率使对方晕眩: stun造成持续火焰伤害: damage over time火焰伤害: fd:fire damage增加火焰伤害: fire damage增加火焰伤害和火焰抗性: adds fire damage to the attacks and gives a better resistance to fire近战带有火焰伤害的物品: melee fire damage bonus能带有火焰伤害的物品: item attack fire bonus增加火焰伤害最大值: max fire damage被点燃的目标,短时间后将受到火焰伤害: ignites the targeted adversary who will suffer damage from the fire for a while中的一些持续性火焰伤害技能,如火墙: fire wall使对方变弱: debilitate使对方大败: smother使对方屈服: compliance猝发成火焰的: ignescent