But the character in south china sea is different and it gets the maximum of heat gain in april 日本海与东中国海净热通量变化趋势基本一致,而南海在4月达到净热通量的最大值。
Seaward element fluxes change considerably in the estuary , and it is important to understand effects of estuarine processes on the phase transformation of elements in order that the flux of dissolved phase can be properly made 河口中元素向海洋的输送通量变化很大,为了能正确地评估溶解态元素的输送通量,弄清楚河口混合过程对元素固-液相态转化的各种效应是重要的。
A lot of areas have already become the fragile district of the ecology . the mesoscale ( mm5v3 - 5 ) model was used to simulate the change of temperature , heat flux by means of changing landuse according to the survey data about the land degradation and renewing in the west of liaoning , which used data in june , july and august , 2001 本文利用中尺度模式( mm5v3 - 5 ) ,选择2001年6 、 7 、 8月份的资料,根据辽西地区土地退化的有关调查材料,对模式中的下垫面状况( landuse )进行改变,模拟植被退化和恢复后,辽西地区的温度、热通量变化。
It is found that the climatological mean of wind speed and air - sea humidity difference are both large , the variation of wind speed are almost in phase with air - sea humidity difference , yielding much larger or smaller latent heat flux . so the ocean release the most latent heat in its own winter of the two hemispheres when both wind speed and air - sea humidity difference are large 发现在南北两信风区,风速和海气湿度差的变化几乎是同位相的,平均背景风速和海气湿度差都较大,他们互相加强彼此对潜热通量变化的贡献,所以海洋潜热损失最大是发生信风南北两区的各自风速和海气湿度差都较大的冬季。
In the region north of brazil , although both wind speed and air - sea humidity difference have dramatic variations , the variation of latent heat flux is just ordinary in magnitude . the reason is that the variations of wind speed and air - sea humidity difference are out of phase with each other so that they decrease each other greatly 在巴西以北的暖水区,尽管海气湿度差的变化和风速的变化都较大,但二者在区域内总是反相,彼此削弱了对潜热通量变化的贡献,所以该区潜热通量的变化振幅较小,最终由风速的变化主导潜热通量的变化。
通: open up or clear out by poki ...量变: quantitative change化: change; turn; transform宏观通量变化: macroscopic flux variation通量变化周期: flux period磁通量变化密度: density of flux change高峰交通量变化: peak volume change日交通量变化图: daily traffic pattern交通量变动: traffic fluctuation【语音】音量变化。: quantitative sound changes参量变化: parametric variation藏量变化: inventory change储量变化: fluctuation of stock动量变化: flow of momentum风量变化: air variation怀卵量变化: brood fluctuation降水量变化: variation in precipitation进料量变化: feed rate changes流量变化: discharge variation; flowrate variation; fluctuation in discharge; fluctuations in discharge; variation in discharge; variation in traffic flow能量变化: energy variation; transformation, energy能量变化率: energy gradient容量变化: volumetric change数量变化: change in value数量变化表: quantitative paradigm需要量变化: shift in demand