

  • electricity water and gas
  • :    open up or clear out by poki ...
  • :    water
  • :    mix; blend
  • 接入:    insert; join up; switch on; ...
  • 煤气:    coal gas; gas


        :    open up or clear out by poki ...
        :    water
        :    mix; blend
        接入:    insert; join up; switch on; ...
        煤气:    coal gas; gas
        通电,通水和接入煤气:    electricity, water and gas
        吸入煤气式烧嘴:    aspirating burner
        本地基础设施和接入维护:    liam local infrastructure and access maintenance
        通水:    passage; tonic water
        水和:    hydration; mizuwa
        波长灵活的光传送和接入网:    wotan wavelength-agile optical transport and access network
        接入:    insert; join up; switch on; cut over; turn on; switch in; reset; put in; place in; cut in; throw into action
        室外给水排水和煤气热力工程抗震设计规范:    tj32-78
        普通水:    aqua communis; light water; light-water; ordinary water
        通水管:    water service pipe
        通水孔:    limber hole; limbers
        和接面:    summing junction
        和接受:    acceptance
        煤气:    coal gas; gas 开煤气 turn on the gas; 点燃煤气 light the gas; 煤气包 gas holder; 煤气爆炸 gas explosion; 煤气表 gasometer; 煤气厂 gasworks; gashouse; gas plant; 煤气储存 gas storage; 煤气储罐 gas holder; 煤气阀 gas valve; 煤气管道 gas conduit; 煤气罐 gas tank; gas container; lpg container; 煤气柜 gas chamber; 煤气警报器 gas alarm valve; gas alarmer; 煤气燃烧器 gas burner; 煤气热水器 gas water heater; 煤气泄漏 gas leak; 煤气窑 gas fired kiln; 煤气用气量 gas consumption amount; 煤气灶(有环形喷头的) gas ring; gas range; gas cooker; 煤气灶具 gas appliance; gas stove equipment; 煤气制造厂 gasworks; 煤气中毒 carbon monoxide poisoning; gas poisoning; 煤气装置 gas fitting
        水和旅:    lesson water and the traveller
        水和性:    hydratability
        不通水火:    have no contact [intercourse] with others; unneigh borly
        滴水权,通水权:    servitu tillicidii; servitus stillicidii
        沟通水平:    communication level
        基斯通水库:    keystone res


  1. "通数国语言"英文
  2. "通双语言者"英文
  3. "通水"英文
  4. "通水道盖板"英文
  5. "通水管"英文
  6. "通水孔"英文
  7. "通水小孔"英文
  8. "通水组织"英文
  9. "通顺"英文
  10. "通顺的"英文


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