通信: communication; communicate b ...服务: give service to; be in the s ...子: son层: I storey; tier; stratum互通信服务: intercom service通信服务: communicatio service; communication services; communications service通信服务器: communication server电子通信服务: ecs多点通信服务: lmcs; mcs高等通信服务: advanced communications service (acs)个人通信服务: pcs personal communications services; personal communicatio service; personal communication service; personal communications services (pcs)公用通信服务: public telecommunications service航空通信服务: aeronautical telecommunications service民用通信服务: ccs civil communication service通信服务节点: csn communication service node通信服务质量: qos quality of service先进通信服务: advanced communications service异步通信服务: nacs: netware asynchronous communication services远程通信服务: ts telecommunication service事务子层: tsl transaction sub-layer本地通信服务器: lcs local communication server个人间通信服务: interpersonal messaging service国际远程通信服务: international telecommunication service航空固定通信服务: aeronautical fixed service航空流动通信服务: ams aeronautical mobile service