自: self; oneself; one's own置: place; put; lay改善: improve; ameliorate; perfect ...居住: live; reside; dwell; habitan ...自置居所: privately-owned accommodation资助自置居所: assisted home purchase flat; subsidized home ownership自置居所贷款: home purchase loan自置居所津贴: home purchase allowance特惠自置居所津贴: ex-gratia home purchase allowance资助自置居所单位: subsidized home ownershiflat自置居所贷款计划: hpls自置居所资助计划: home purchase scheme优惠自置居所贷款计划: enhanced home purchase loan scheme自置居所津贴初步申请书: initial application for home purchase allowance按揭还款补助金协议〔自置居所贷款计划: subsidyagreementhomepurchaseloanscheme公屋住户转往自置居所的流动性: mobility among public rental housing tenants to home ownership检讨鼓励自置居所计划专责小组委员会: special committee to review schemes to promote home ownership自置居所资助计划名次通知书: notification of priority number under the home purchase scheme迁置居所: reception accommodation有所改善: better改善居民心理预期: inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs修正,改善,改过自新: amend锻炼得有所改善: train on让行动有所改善: making moves to improve两国关系已有所改善: the relations between the two countries have shown some improvement