

发音:   用"适当法"造句
  • proper law


        适当:    suitable; proper; appropriat ...
        :    law
        适当法律程序:    due legal process
        当法:    danfa
        当法官:    be on thebench
        适当:    suitable; proper; appropriate 适当的安排 proper arrangement; 适当的场合 suitable occasion; 在适当的时机 at an opportune moment; 适当的权限 due authority; 适当的增长率 proper growth rate; 予以适当的照顾 give adequate [proper] consideration; 适当安置 proper [appropriate] arrangement; 适当比例 proper [appropriate] proportion; 适当处罚 proper punishment; 适当措施 adequate measures; 适当规模集成电路 right scale integrated circuit; 适当聚焦 adequate focusing; 适当平均 fair average; 适当用法 directione propria [拉丁语]
        高斯-约当法:    gauss-jordan-verfahren gauss-jordan method
        马克当法:    macadam method
        正当法律程序:    due process of law; procedural due process
        正当法律手续:    due process of law
        正当法律程序条款:    due process clause; due process of law
        正当法律程序原则:    due process of law
        不适当:    inadequacy
        适当, 足够:    adequacy
        适当,合适:    a ropriatefor/to; appropriate for/to
        适当的:    a ropriate; adequate; advisable; appl applicable; apposite; aptitudal; aptly; befitting; competent; decent a. right and suitable; due; eligible; equal; fitter; fittest; giusto; handsome; in place; just; likely; measurable; moderate; opportune - inconvenient; proper; proportionate; propriety; reasonable; seemly; suitable (appropriate); well-suited
        适当地:    adequately; aptly; becomingly; befittingly; competently; d.appropriately; duly; eligibly; felicitously; fitly; happily; meetly; moderately; modestly; opportunely; properly; rightly; suitably; within limits; within measure
        适当化:    scale optimization
        适当项:    appropriate terms
        适当性:    adequacy; advisability; advisableness; appropriateness; fitness; geeignetheit
        适当值:    appropriate value
        实质性正当法律程序:    substantive due process
        我们聘请你当法律顾问:    we engage you as a legal adviser
        适当利率;适当汇率:    acceptable rate
        适当判决, 适当刑罚:    appropriate sentence


  1. "适当调整刹带平衡梁"英文
  2. "适当调整育种方案"英文
  3. "适当对比度"英文
  4. "适当对策"英文
  5. "适当发汗"英文
  6. "适当法律程序"英文
  7. "适当反冲液量"英文
  8. "适当反应"英文
  9. "适当防护"英文
  10. "适当防制措施"英文


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