适合: rightness; trim; appositenes ...跳舞: dance; shake a leg的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...会跳舞的熊: down beat bear跳舞的公猪: a dancing male pig跳舞的公主: the dancing princesses跳舞的猴子: the dancing monkeys跳舞的孔雀: the dancing peacock跳舞的女孩: dance on little girl跳舞的人: the dancing men跳舞的舞厅: discotheque跳舞的香蕉皮: dancing banana skin跳舞的小女孩: dance on little girl当他跳舞的时候: when he dances青年人跳舞的舞厅: disco喜欢跳舞的维基人: wikipedian dancers芭比和十二个跳舞的公主: barbie and the 12 dancing princesses福尔摩斯探案全集 跳舞的人: the dancing men夜总会〔晚上喝酒跳舞的地方〕。: nightclub部落中戴著古怪面具的跳舞的人: tribal dancers wearing grotesque masks音乐家啦 在公园园或街头跳舞的人啦: the musicians. the dancers--in the parks and on the streets在希律王面前跳舞的莎乐美: salomé dansant devant hérode战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除: the wartime ban against dancing has been lifted开合跳: jump jack; jumping jack跳舞: dance; shake a leg 约翰, 我们跳舞去吧!--对不起, 我不会跳舞。 john, let's go for a dance! -- sorry, i don't know how to shake a leg.; 跳舞厅 dancery