Contain powerful melanin fading ingredients , assist to fade dark and yellowish tone , keep skin white and bright persistently ; replenish water , nourish skin , accelerate metabolism , promote blood circulation and stimulate cells to growth healthily ; timely remove waste , inhibit the formulation of melanin , fade melanin , and recover skin to white , healthy , moist and firm state 特有的退黑素成分,可帮助黑、暗黄等症状,保持肌肤持久美白亮丽;并能补充皮肤所需要的水份、营养加速肌肤的新陈代谢,促进血液循环,激发细胞健康生长能力;及时排出代谢物质,控制黑色素形成,淡化色斑,回复肌肤的自然美白及健康润泽且弹力十足。