Recently , more attention has been given to researches on mechanisms of the formation and evolution , and spatio - temporal variation of soil degradation under highly - intensified agriculture , and countermeasures for its control and rehabilitation of degraded soil 目前,应当高度重视集约农业利用下土壤退化的形成与演变机理、时空分异规律、以及土壤退化的控制和退化土壤的恢复重建措施的研究。
In the paper , a series of the field investigation , laboratory culture and pot experiments were conducted , to study microbial eco - characteristic and restoration in relation to soil - plant system of red soils reclaimed - mine . the main results were summarized as below : 1 . soil microbes eco - characteristic in lipu copper mining reclaimed soil - endurance plant system were studied comparatively , zhe jiang province 本论文采用野外矿区调查、实验室培养和温室盆栽试验相结合的方法,对我国南方红壤矿区土壤的微生物生态特征及其稳定性恢复进行了研究,以期为矿区重金属污染及退化土壤微生物生态系统的生物修复及土壤复垦工程提供理论技术依据。
退化: become vestigial; degenerate ...土壤: soil; ground; pedogenesis; p ...退化土: degraded soil风化土壤: solum古风化土壤: ancient weathering soil碱化土壤: solonetzic soil进化土壤学: evolutionary soil science熟化土壤: tilth top soil盐化土壤: salty soils土壤退化: degradation of soil; land retirement; soil degradation; soildegradation红黄色的层化土壤: red-yellow soil深色砖红壤化土壤: euchrozems土壤退化作用: soil degradation; soildegradation化土: one of the土壤退化全球评估: global assessment of soil degradation世界人为土壤退化图: world maof human-induced soil degradation世界土壤退化和危害图: world map of soil degradation and hazards退化: become vestigial; degenerate; deteriorate; retrograde; devolution; retrogradation; retrogression; retroversion; regression; involution; degeneration; degenerescence; degeneracy; cataplasia; catagenesis; atresia 鸡的翅膀逐渐退化, 不会在空中飞行了。 the wings of the chicken have become vestigial; it can no longer fly. 土豆种了几年之后就会退化。 after a few years' planting, the quality of the potato crop deteriorates 风化土: saprolite; solum灰化土: podsoil; podsol; podzolic soil; podzoluvisols碱化土: alkaline soil; alkalized soil石化土: petrified soil熟化土: vegetable soil氧化土: oxisol硬化土: hardener