追溯: retrospect; review; run; tra ...世纪: 90年代 the nineties of the 20t ...以前: before; formerly; prior to; ...几个世纪以来: over the centuries有好几个世纪: for centuries追溯到上一个世纪: ascend to a former century十三世纪以前突厥语语源辞典: an etymological dictionary of pre-thirteenth-century turkish漫谈佛罗伦斯十八世纪以前绘画大师作品: notes on designs of the old masters at florence十九世纪以来: nineteenth century and after一一安抚传承了几个世纪来回荡在教堂: gregorian我们两国之间的友好往来可以追溯到上个世纪: the friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century半个世纪: half a century上个世纪: last century; past century一个世纪: century有半个世纪: for half a century半个世纪血与泪: after half a century of blood and tears在两个世纪之交: at the turn of the century ie when one ends and the next begins回溯许多世纪以探求自己的宗谱: trace one's lineage back many centuries这份手稿可追溯到8世纪: this manuscript dates back to the 8th century追溯: retrospect; review; run; trace back to; date from 这份手稿可追溯到8世纪。 this manuscript dates back to the 8th century. 我们两国之间的友好往来可以追溯到上个世纪。 the friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century时光穿越了一个世纪: once upon a century这个世纪出了许多大人物: the century produces many great men. arise几个: a couple of; a few of; several最早到第一个可靠蓝藻追溯到12世纪: no. the earliest reliable account of a cyanobacterial bloom date***ack to the 12th century以前: before; formerly; prior to; previously 以前各版 all the preceding editions; 很久以前 a long time ago; 以前我没来过这里 。i haven't been here before. 这事发生在他到达以前。 it happened prior to his arrival