The well - preserved remains of the old city include , in particular , a large bridge over the guadiana , an amphitheatre , a theatre , a vast circus and an exceptional water - supply system 旧城遗址迄今完好,其中特别著名的有瓜迪亚纳河上的大桥、圆形阶梯剧场、剧院,大马戏场和先进的供水系统。
Villagers participate in bull race competition during rural sports festival , also known as “ indian rural olympics ” , in kila raipur , near ludhiana , india saturday feb 9 , 2008 2月9日,印度卢迪亚纳市附近的一个村庄,村民们参加当地乡村运动会,并在公牛赛跑中奋力角逐。这项乡村运动会在当地影响很大,有“印度乡村奥林匹克”之称。