

发音:   用"连遭不幸"造句
  • a succession of misfortunes has befallen somebody
  • :    link; join; connect
  • :    meet with; encounter; suffer
  • 不幸:    misfortune; adversity
  • 遭不幸:    come to harm
  • 惨遭不幸:    die a tragic death; meet a sad end; poor death; suffer tragedy 听到他惨遭不幸的噩耗, 我十分震惊。 i was shocked to hear of his poor death


  1. A succession of misfortunes has befallen her


        :    link; join; connect
        :    meet with; encounter; suffer
        不幸:    misfortune; adversity
        遭不幸:    come to harm
        惨遭不幸:    die a tragic death; meet a sad end; poor death; suffer tragedy 听到他惨遭不幸的噩耗, 我十分震惊。 i was shocked to hear of his poor death
        横遭不幸:    suffer a sudden misfortune; a sudden misfortune
        险遭不幸:    come within an ace of death
        听到他惨遭不幸的噩耗我十分震惊:    i was shocked to hear of his poor death
        不幸:    1.(灾祸) misfortune; adversity 人生的种种不幸 the various ills of life2.(不希望发生而发生的) unfortunately 不幸而言中。 the prediction has unfortunately come ture.; unfortunately, the words have proved true.3.(不幸运; 使人失望、伤心、痛苦的) unfortunate; unlucky; sad 不幸的消息 sad news
        连遭打击:    tempest tossed
        连遭打击的:    tempest-tossed
        屡遭不测:    a succession of misfortunes has befallen someone
        险遭不测:    have a near [narrow] escape
        不巧, 不幸:    in an ill hour
        不幸;灾难:    misfortune
        不幸;障碍:    mischance
        不幸的:    abjective; accursed; adverse; calamitous; disastrous; distressful; fatal; fortuneless; hapless; ill-fated; ill-starred; infelicitous; luckless; miserable; star-crossed; unblessed; unblest; unchancy; unfortunately; unha y; unhappy; unlucky; untoward
        不幸地:    evil; fatally; haplessly; infelicitously; unfortunately; unha ily; unhappily; unluckily
        不幸福:    unhappiness
        不幸运:    without luck
        不幸者:    wretch n
        贫困, 不幸:    be ill off
        灾难,不幸:    adversity; bale; calamity; disaster
        真不幸:    misery
        啊,我真不幸!:    Woe is me!


  1. "连载小说"英文
  2. "连载中"英文
  3. "连在一起"英文
  4. "连在一起时才发"英文
  5. "连在一起时就是"英文
  6. "连遭打击"英文
  7. "连遭打击的"英文
  8. "连轧"英文
  9. "连轧管机"英文
  10. "连轧机"英文


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