

  • continuous metric measurement


        连续:    6年未出事故. There have been no a ...
        尺度:    scale; dimension; admeasurem ...
        度量:    measure; metric; mensuration
        连续尺度空间:    continuous metric space
        连续时间度量尺度:    continuous time scale
        连续尺寸:    chain dimensions; continuous dimensions
        拟合优度度量:    measure of goodness of fit
        标注连续尺寸:    chain dimensioning
        卷尺度量:    taping
        绘制角度度量线:    angulardimension
        调制度度度:    degree
        度度鸟:    raphus
        尺度:    scale; dimension; admeasurement; measure; yardstick 精确尺度 accurate measurement; 以高尺度要求 measure by a high standard; 利润并不是衡量成功的唯一尺度。 profit is not the only yardstick of success
        度量:    1.(计量长短) measure; metric; mensuration 度量一下这块布的宽度 measure the width of this piece of cloth2.(宽容人的限度) tolerance; magnanimity 度量大 broad-minded; magnanimous; 度量小 narrow-minded; 度量标准 module; 度量不变量 metric invariant; 度量单位 linear module; 度量化 metrization; 度量几何学 metric geometry; 度量检查员 inspector of weights and measures; 度量精度 accuracy of measurement; 度量可移性 metric transitivity; 度量空间 metric space; 度量群 metric group; 度量微分几何 metric differential geometry; 度量系统 gauging system; metering system; 度量性质 metric property; 度量仪器 measuring instrument; 度量张量 metric tensor
        等级程度度:    degree
        电阻温度度:    electric hygrometer
        分度度盘:    calibrated dial
        纬度度数:    degree latitude
        温度度标:    temperature scale
        温度度数:    degree of temperature
        连续时间傅立叶变化的频率尺度(变换性质):    frequency scaling of continuous-time fourier transform
        华氏温度度数:    degree fahrenheit
        绝对温度度数:    kelvin
        开氏温度度数:    kelvin
        摄氏温度度数:    degree centigrade


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