

发音:   用"连续可微的"造句
  • continuously differentiable
  • 连续:    6年未出事故. There have been no a ...
  • :    approve
  • :    minute; tiny; light; slight
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 次连续可微的:    times continuously differentiable


  1. In unconstrained optimization , we deal with the standard problem of finding the minimum of a function f : rn - r . if we assume that the function is twice continuously differentiable , many methods can be applied to find the minimum
    在无约束最优化中,考虑寻找f : r ~ n r的极小点。假设f是二次连续可微的,可以有许多方法寻找它的极小点。
  2. In order to achieve a computer code with a maximum degree of vectorization , the numerical flux function must be written uniformly with sign function . to get higher order accuracy , the muscl interpolation functions are applied for van leer and roe schemes
    Vanleer和roe格式摘要( abstraet )均采用muscl插值使格式具有高阶精度,并采用连续可微的vanalbada通量限制器,使格式具有良好的稳定性和收敛特性。
  3. We discuss the continuity of the mapping defined by = and also of the inverse mapping v - l . particularly , we will show that the teichmuller co - metric on the teichmuller space is nowhere c1 whenever x is of infinite type , which contains a negative answer to a problem of gardiner ( [ ga ] , p
    特别地,我们证明了当x是无限型曲面时, teichm ller空间t ( x )的teichm ller协度量是处处不连续可微的,因而否定地回答了gardiner的一个问题(见[ ga ] , p
  4. We extend this result which is similar to ones of hirsch [ 1l ] and jiang [ 2 ] for 3 - dimensional cooperative system . furthermore , in the paper we discusse the cone of km , and obtain the similar result : theorem b : let f be a continuously differentiable cooperative vector field on d , suppose the following conditions hold : ( a ) d is pm - convex ; ( b ) every forward semi - orbit has compact closure in d ; ( c ) there is not more than one equilibrium p , then there is a unique equilibrium p and it is globally asymptotically stable
    此外,本文还将在k _ m锥下讨论此问题,并得到平行的结果:定理b :设f是d上一个连续可微的合作向量场,假设如下条件成立: ( a ) d是p _ m凸的; ( b ) d中的每一个正半轨道有紧闭包; ( c )至多有一个平衡点p ,则一定存在唯一的平衡点p ,并且是全局渐近稳定的。



  1. "连续可调电感线圈"英文
  2. "连续可调电容器"英文
  3. "连续可调延迟线"英文
  4. "连续可调自耦变压器"英文
  5. "连续可分过程"英文
  6. "连续可微分函数"英文
  7. "连续可微函数"英文
  8. "连续可微性"英文
  9. "连续空斑传代"英文
  10. "连续空格信号"英文


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