

发音:   用"连续事故"造句
  • subsequent faults
  • subsequentfaults


        连续:    6年未出事故. There have been no a ...
        事故:    malfunction; trouble; fault; ...
        连续事件概率:    probabilities of successive events
        不连续事件模拟:    discrete event simulation
        后续事件:    immediate successor event
        持续事间更长:    a contract between shipowner and charterer for the
        后续事件;继承人:    successor
        事故:    malfunction; trouble; fault; failure; mistake; accident; mishap 造成事故 bring about an accident; 减少事故 cut down accident; 预防事故 provide against accidents; 交通事故 traffic accident; 一次事故使他双目失明。 his blindness is the result of an accident.; 事故保险 accident insurance; 事故调查 accident investigation; 事故防止 accident prevention; 事故分析 accident analysis; 事故监督 fault control; 事故预防 accident prevention; 事故自动刹车装置 deadman device; 事故自动停机手柄 deadman's handle
        投资后续事务处:    investment follow up services; investment follow-up services
        连续:    continuation; succession; series; continuity; continuing; running; continuous; successive; continue; in a row 连续作战 continuous fighting; successive battles; consecutive operations; 连续 15年丰收 reap bumper harvests of fifteen years in succession; 连续工作8小时 work eight hours at stretch; 钞票上有连续的号码。 currency notes bear serial numbers. 他在第9局连续获2分。 he scored two home runs back to back in the 9th inning. 连续 6年未出事故。 there have been no accidents for six years running.; 连续拌和机 continuous mixer; 连续爆破 series shots; continuous demolition; 连续背书 uninterrupted series of endorsement; 连续操作 continuous operation; 连续发酵 continuous fermentation; 连续发射 continuous emission; 连续犯罪 [法律] continuous offence; 连续放电 continuous discharge; 连续观测 continuous observation; 连续航次 consecutive voyages; 连续号 consecutive number; 连续轰炸 [军事] train bombing; 连续监测 continuous monitoring; 连续监视 continuous monitoring; 连续拍摄 itinerary; 连续取样 continuous sampling; serial sampling; 连续扫描 corun test; 连续调制 modulation of continuous wave;连续退火 continuous annealing; 连续信号 continuous signal; 连续信息 continuous information; 连续语句 continuous statement; continue statement; 连续运行 continuous operation; 连续运转 continuous duty; 连续轧制 continuous rolling; 连续照相机 [摄影学] sequence camera; 连续铸造 continuous casting; 连续作业 [工业] continuous operation
        出事故:    einen unfall haben
        纯事故:    pure accident
        大事故:    major break down
        电事故:    electrification
        故障,事故:    accident
        固事故:    major break down
        核事故:    nuclear accident
        失事,事故:    wreckage
        事故,意外:    accident
        事故,损伤:    trouble
        事故;故障:    trouble
        事故棒:    safety rod
        事故单:    trouble ticket
        事故的:    accidental
        事故伐:    incidental felling


  1. "连续式装载机"英文
  2. "连续式自动纺织机"英文
  3. "连续式自动刮软机"英文
  4. "连续式自然循环干燥室"英文
  5. "连续世代"英文
  6. "连续事件概率"英文
  7. "连续适应"英文
  8. "连续市场"英文
  9. "连续视频记录器"英文
  10. "连续试验"英文


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