Join order optimization in multi - relation sql query 查询中连接顺序的优化
Back face culling is affected by the current winding - order render state 背面剔除受当前顶点连接顺序呈现状态的影响。
In this thesis , used thermocouple to sense the temperature in the space of the hearth , attributed the thermocouple based on calorifics and scientific arithmetic , acquired data by data acquiring card , processed data according to the demand of setting up temperature model and drawing graphics and then caculated the coordinates of isothermal points and normals of isothermal facets , ascertained the order of connecting points and the model of construct , drawed the isothermal facet of temperature field with opengl at last 通过数据采集板卡进行数据采集并与计算机接口进行数据处理。然后,将处理后特殊点的温度数据依据marchingcubes算法建立数学模型求取等温面上的点的坐标及各点的法向量等。最后,确定计算的三维坐标点的连接顺序和拓扑模型,利用opengl进行等温面的绘制、消隐和模式变换等工作。
Many mature technologies on this level have been brought out , such as the relational algebra law , the improved logical query plan , the cost estimation of operation , the selective plan based on cost and order of joint , etc . although many methods have been tried out , no remarkable result or noteworthy technology has come to reality because of complexity of data decomposition and network effects 例如,从物理查询计划的底层磁盘输入输出到语法分析阶段的语法分析树、用于改进查询计划的代数定律、逻辑查询计划的改进,以及操作代价的估计、基于代价的计划和连接顺序的选择等全过程,都进行了不懈的努力。在这方面的研究已经非常成熟。