Though investigation , it puts forward the formulas to slip strain and slip of the simply supported composite beams , establishs formulas of the carrying capacity , curvature and deflection to composite beams with partial shear connection , finds out relationships between shear connection degree coefficient and them . it can develop benefit of technology and economics in design to adjust the shear connection degree 通过理论分析,本文提出了简支组合梁滑移应变、滑移的计算公式;推导了简文组合梁考虑滑移效应的承载力、曲率和变形的计算公式;得出了它们与剪力连接程度系数的关系,通过调整剪力连接程度可以提高组合梁设计的技术经济效益。
Thecalculating results show that the composite action between concrete floor and steel beamsgreatly influence the bending bearing capacity and initial rotational stiffness of joints , it shouldbe considered in practical engineer . reinforcement ratio of lengthways reinforcing bar andthe stiffener of web have great influencer on the behavior of connections , while the thicknessof end - plate and degree of shear connection have a litter influence on its behavior 分析计算结果表明:楼板与钢梁的组合作用对节点的抗弯承载力及初始转动刚度的影响非常大,实际工程中节点设计应当考虑这种组合作用;楼板内纵向钢筋配筋率与柱腹板加劲肋对节点性能影响显著,而连接端板厚度及剪力连接程度的影响则不是太显著。
连接: connect; fit together; link; ...程度: level; degree可燃物的连接程度: connectedness of fuel可连接程序: linkable program连接程序: chained program; link linkage; link program; linker; linking program连接程序库: link library连接程序, 链接程序: linker对象连接程序: oc object connection program连接程序功能: linker function不断线连接程序: connection keealive常驻连接程序库: resident link library连接程序的检索表: search list for the linker连接程序的库搜索: library searching by the linker连接程序管理器: sql connector manager数据库连接程序: jsp:jdbc系统连接程序库: system link library半信关, 半网间连接程序: half-gateway基于网间连接程序的协议: protocol-based on gateway连接程序库的子程序: library-linked subroutine文件到文件连接程序: file to file program必要的库帮助函数被连接程序删除: necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker程度: 1.(知识、能力的水平) level; degree 觉悟程度 level of political consciousness; 文化程度 level of education; degree of literacy2.(事物变化达到的状况) extent; degree 在不同程度上 in varying degrees; 在很大程度上 to a great extent; 在一定程度上 to a certain extent; 你对植物学的兴趣达到什么程度? to what degree are you interested in botany? 浓烟消散后, 我们就能看清破坏的程度了。 when the smoke blew away, we could see the extent of the damage.; 程度测验表 scalogram对接程序: docking procdeure焊接程序: weld procedure; welding procedure specification; welding sequence焊接程序卡: welding procedure sheet