行为: action; behaviour; conduct; ...金融违规行为: financial irregularities /improprieties违规行为受到处罚: penalties imposed for violations of laws and regulations犯规行为: misconduct正规行为: act of smuggling投手犯规行为: balk; baulk违法违规经营行为: business activities that violate laws and regulations违规或不雅行为: violations违规: break the rule; conviction; get out of line; got out of line【棒球】投向击球手头部的球〔犯规行为〕。: bean ball犯规击球-将会受到惩罚的违规击球或行为: foul stroke-a shot or action that infringes the rules,incurring a penalty罚违规: penalty违规,违例: infraction违规的: irregular违规值: breach value规行矩步: 1.(言行谨慎, 举止端方) behave correctly and cautiously2.(比喻墨守成规; 平庸无所作为) stick to established practice; follow the beaten track; strictly upright and correct in one's behaviour; be guided by rule in every act and movement无规行走: random walk常规行政部门: general and administration无规行走过程: random walk process无规行走模型: random walk model常违规者: scofflaw非法的;违规的: illegal共享违规: sharing violation交通违规: traffic violation违规避税: abusive tax shelter