

  • belie
  • 违背:    violate; go against; run cou ...
  • 误解:    misread; misunderstand; misc ...
  • 辜负:    let down; wrong; fail to liv ...
  • 辜负:    let down; wrong; fail to live up to; be unworthy of; disappoint 我们决不要辜负老师的谆谆教导。 we must never be unworthy of our teachers' untiring and sincere teachings
  • 违背:    violate; go against; run counter to 违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则 violate a principle; 违背诺言 break a promise; go back on one's word


        违背:    violate; go against; run cou ...
        误解:    misread; misunderstand; misc ...
        辜负:    let down; wrong; fail to liv ...
        辜负:    let down; wrong; fail to live up to; be unworthy of; disappoint 我们决不要辜负老师的谆谆教导。 we must never be unworthy of our teachers' untiring and sincere teachings
        违背:    violate; go against; run counter to 违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则 violate a principle; 违背诺言 break a promise; go back on one's word
        误解:    1.(理解得不正确) misread; misunderstand; misconstrue; misconceive; misapprehend 误解问题的性质 misconstrue the nature of a problem; 你误解了他的话。 you have misconstrued his words.2.(不正确的理解) misunderstanding; misconstruction; misconception 消除双方的误解 dissipate misunderstandings existing between both sides; 许多人对占星学有误解。 many people have misconceptions about astrology
        不辜负:    be worthy of; live up to 不辜负人民的信任 be worthy of the trust of the people; 不辜负希望 justify the hope of; not to disappoint; not to let sb. down
        反对,违背:    be against
        冒犯;违背:    transgress
        侵犯,违背:    infringe
        违背,不忠:    treacherous
        违背,破坏:    breach
        违背,违反:    go against
        违背者:    violator
        违反, 违背:    departure from
        违反,违背:    contravene
        被误解:    being misunderstood
        错误,误解:    error
        弄错, 误解:    get the worse end of the staff; have the worse end of the staff
        弄错,误解:    irrtum, der; ..er
        使误解:    mislead to lead into error of thought or action especially by intentionally deceiving
        误解,曲解:    misconstrue
        误解,误会:    misunderstand verb
        误解除:    false dismissal
        误解的:    misapprehensive; mistaken


  1. "违背(法规,习俗等)"英文
  2. "违背,背叛(朋友或语言等)"英文
  3. "违背,不忠"英文
  4. "违背,破坏"英文
  5. "违背,违反"英文
  6. "违背保证"英文
  7. "违背道德"英文
  8. "违背道德,卑鄙"英文
  9. "违背惯例"英文
  10. "违背规定"英文


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