眼镜: eyeglass; glasses; ocular; s ...低视力眼镜: low vision spectacles近视力眼镜: spectacles for near vision远视力: distant vision智力眼镜: scholar's specs远视力表: distant vision test chart远视力检查: examination of distant vision远视视力: distance vision远视眼镜: distant eye glasses; gla es for the farsighted; glasses for the farsighted; hyperoic lense; spectacles for hypermetropia远距视觉, 远视力: distant vision远视力检查法: test for distant vision远视眼镜,老花眼镜: presbyopia lenses远视: (医] long sight; farsightedness; hyperopia; hypermetropia◇远视眼 hypermetropic eye视力: vision; sight; visus; seeing; opto- 视力检查 a test of vision; 健全的视力 a sane vision; 这位老人视力不好。 the old man's vision is poor. 大量读书损害了他的视力。 much reading has impaired his vision弹力眼霜: resilience eye crème眼镜: eyeglass; glasses; ocular; spectacles 戴眼镜 wear glasses; 一副新眼镜 a new pair of glasses; 隐形眼镜 haptic lens; 眼镜店 optician; 眼镜盒 glasses case; 眼镜框 bow; spectacle- frame 远视(医: long sightfarsightednesshyperopiahypermetropia远视,远见。: far-sightedness远视的: far sighted; hypermetropic; hyperopic; removed; telescopic; traumatic hypermetropia远视点: high eye point远视片: far vision segment远视器: hypermultiplet远视眼: hypermetropic eye; longsighted eyes; presbyopia; telescopic eye远视者: hypermetrope; hyperope总远视: ht; total hypermetropia; total hyperopia