Soil springs are used around the pipe including vertical , lateral and axial soil springs to consider the interaction between the pipeline and the surrounding soil . the pipe segment near fault that usually suffers large deformation is modeled with a plastic shell element in order to consider the effect of local buckling and section deformation . to reduce the calculating time of the whole model , an equivalent spring proposed by the author is applied at two ends of the shell model 为了解决现有的壳单元方法需要大量计算机时的缺点,本论文首次从理论上把离断层较远管土之间相对变形较小的管子直线段部分的变形等效为一个非线性弹簧,将此等效边界引入到有限元模型中,使得模型中的壳单元部分主要用来分析我们所感兴趣的在断层附近发生大变形的管段,从而达到节约计算时间的目的。
远: far; distant; remote管: pipe; tube永远管业限制: dead hand control处于永远管业的情况下: in a dead hand远光: distance light (前灯的)◇远光灯丝 headlight high beam filament; 远光头灯 far-reaching headlamp远观察: remote viewing远光,大光,高光束: long-range light远古种族: elder things远光;顶梁: upper beam远古之树: etoa; ncta; tree of ages远光大灯: hi beam远古之路: ancient way远光灯: headlights on full beam; high beam; rear fog light远古战斧(一级): i00s