Combining satellites , mi iles and long - range bombers provided stand - off precision fires 联合使用卫星,导弹,远程轰炸机提供了在敌防空区以外实施的精确打击火力。
Combining satellites , missiles and long - range bombers provided stand - off precision fires 联合使用卫星,导弹,远程轰炸机提供了在敌防空区以外实施的精确打击火力。
President vladimir putin last week announced that russia was resuming the soviet - era practice of sending long - range bombers on regular patrols near nato airspace 俄罗斯总统普京上星期宣布恢复前苏联时期派遣远程轰炸机在北约领空附近的例行巡逻。
President vladimir putin last week announced that russia was resuming the soviet - era practice of sending long - range bombers on regular patrols across the globe 俄罗斯总统普京上星期宣布,俄罗斯在恢复苏联时代的做法,派遣远程轰炸机定期全球巡航。
Mr putin , too , was using central asian diplomacy to impress the folk back home : it was during the war games that he made a dramatic announcement that russia was resuming strategic patrols by nuclear - armed long - range bombers 普京也是在利用中亚外交增强国内大众的支持:在演习期间,他曾戏剧性地宣布俄罗斯将恢复装有核武的远程轰炸机的战略巡逻。