The peaks of tiantai mountain in zhejiang are green and black . they stand like an ornamental screen . people come from far away to enjoy the scenery here 浙江天台山的山峰是青黛色的,犹如竖起的画屏。远客纷沓而至,观其美景。
我可远客黑让想不程登录进来,关!: net logon远空的呼唤: the summon to the sky远看像朵花: american women; the closer you get远空间飞行: deep-space flight远菌素: distacin; distamycin远空间无线电通信中心: distant-space radio center远距钴疗法: telecobalt therapy远控吸移管: remote-control pipet远距洄游性种类: wideranging species远控吸移装置: remote-control pipetting device远距作用: action at a distance