远古: ancient times; remote antiqu ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...远古的诗: ancient poem初期的, 原始的, 远古的: primeval大洪水前的;远古的: antediluvian来自远古的传说: legend一个远古的纯金制祭坛: kerlin’s altar远古的传说3中文字幕版: tales of the past 3古的: archaic; fossil魔兽世界史诗级电影远古的传说三部: tales of the past远古: ancient times; remote antiquity 远古以来 from the time immemorial; 在远古时代 in remote antiquity; in the ancient times听见远古的脚步随着大海的波涛汹涌而来: i hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea复古的: reaationary好古的: antiquarisch极古的: immemorial蒙古的: mongolian拟古的: archaistic上古的: antediluvian太古的: geronotogeous; immemorial; primeval中古的: mediaeval复古的衣裳: vintage clothes古风的, 拟古的: archaistic后太古的: eparchean亘古的声音: ancient voices远古洞穴: ancient groover