

发音:   用"进风流"造句
  • intake air
  • :    advance; move forward; move ...
  • 风流:    distinguished and admirable
  • 进风:    downcast air; inlet air; inlet-air; intake air
  • 风流:    1.(有功绩并有文采的) distinguished and admirable 风流人物 truly great men2.(有才学但不拘礼法的) talented and romantic; talented in letters and unconventional in life style 风流才子 talented and romantic scholar3.(行为放荡的) dissolute; loose; amorous
  • 进风槽:    air intake duct


        :    advance; move forward; move ...
        风流:    distinguished and admirable
        进风:    downcast air; inlet air; inlet-air; intake air
        风流:    1.(有功绩并有文采的) distinguished and admirable 风流人物 truly great men2.(有才学但不拘礼法的) talented and romantic; talented in letters and unconventional in life style 风流才子 talented and romantic scholar3.(行为放荡的) dissolute; loose; amorous
        进风槽:    air intake duct
        进风侧:    air-intake side
        进风道:    air-intake passage; intake airway
        进风管:    airline; blast pipe
        进风井:    [矿物学] downcast (shaft)
        进风孔:    fresh air inlet
        进风口:    air intake
        进风量:    air input; air output; fresh air volume; su ly air rate; supply air rate
        进风区:    air-inlet section
        进风塔:    air-intake tower; airintaketower
        进风网:    make aport
        进风栅:    inlet grid
        进风罩:    suction canal
        背风流:    lee-side flow
        反风流:    back draft; backdraft
        风流槽:    wind sweep
        风流的:    dissolute
        风流地:    tastefully
        风流梦:    the dream
        风流伞:    furygasa
        风流债:    casanova brown; the price of amour


  1. "进风口;进气孔;入气口"英文
  2. "进风口导流片"英文
  3. "进风口面积"英文
  4. "进风口木百叶窗"英文
  5. "进风量"英文
  6. "进风门电磁阀"英文
  7. "进风门调节器"英文
  8. "进风平巷"英文
  9. "进风区"英文
  10. "进风入窑空气温度"英文


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