



        进货:    stock with goods; lay in a s ...
        回扣:    discount; commission on sale ...
        购货回扣和折让:    purchase rebates and allowances
        购货回扣或折让:    purchase rebates and allowances
        购货回扣与让价:    purchase rebates and allowances
        销货回扣及折让:    sales rebate and allowance; sales rebates and allowance
        销货回扣与让价:    sales rebates and allowances
        回扣:    discount; commission on sales [for agent]: 这个推销员每销售一辆汽车得到五十美元的回扣。 the salesman got a $50 commission for every car he sold
        进货:    stock (a shop) with goods; lay in a stock of merchandise; replenish one's stock; purchase of merchandise 进货分类帐 purchase ledger; bought ledger; 进货成本 purchase cost; cost of goods purchased; 进货付款利息 interest on payment for purchases; 进货价格 prime cost; 进货退出 purchase returns; 进货员 buyer; 进货折让 purchase discounts and allowances
        发货回单:    delivery receipt
        交货回单:    delivery receipt
        交货回条:    delivery receipt
        收货回单:    acknowledgement
        送货回单:    delivery receipt
        送货回条。:    delivery receipt
        通货回笼:    recall currency; withdrawal of currency in circulation
        销货回佣:    sales rebate
        暗回扣:    private rebate
        吃回扣:    accept commission; get commission
        回扣(回尾):    commission on sales; rebate; rebate
        回扣,退税:    rebate
        回扣费:    rebate commission
        回扣制:    rebate system
        回佣,回扣:    return commission
        要回扣:    demand commissions


  1. "进货付款利息"英文
  2. "进货付款利息 进货款利息"英文
  3. "进货过多"英文
  4. "进货合同"英文
  5. "进货合约损失"英文
  6. "进货及存货预算"英文
  7. "进货价"英文
  8. "进货价格"英文
  9. "进货检查"英文
  10. "进货检验"英文


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