进货: stock with goods; lay in a s ...周期: period; cycle; circle; revol ...存货周期: inventory cycles订货周期: order cycle time发货周期: delivery circle times供货周期: lead time交货周期: delivery cycle订货周期时间: order cycle time经济定货周期: eoi economic order interval固定重新订货周期制度: fixed reorder cycle systems进货: stock (a shop) with goods; lay in a stock of merchandise; replenish one's stock; purchase of merchandise 进货分类帐 purchase ledger; bought ledger; 进货成本 purchase cost; cost of goods purchased; 进货付款利息 interest on payment for purchases; 进货价格 prime cost; 进货退出 purchase returns; 进货员 buyer; 进货折让 purchase discounts and allowances进口件准时交货率和交货周期的持续改进: continual improvement on the bof% and lead time存货周转;存货周转率: stock turnover存货周转: inventory turnover; stock rotation; stock turn存货周转率: circulating rate of inventory; inventory turnover ratio; rate of inventory turnover; rate of stock turnover; rate of stockturn; stock turnover rate; turnover of inventories; turnover of inventory; turnover of stock inventories; turnover of stock inventory; turnover ratio of inventory stock存货周转期: inventory turnover period购买,进货: purchase进货薄: bought book; bought day book; bought invoice book; bought journal进货簿: invoice book; purchase day book; purchase journal进货单: list 1进货的: receiving进货价: cost price进货率: receipt rate进货税: purchase taxes进货学: buymanship