

发音:   用"进行锻炼"造句


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  1. He kept himself fit with a rigid daily exercise schedule .
  2. The doctor advised me to get more exercise
  3. We train regularly to keep fit for study and work
  4. He plans to exercise every morning
  5. " women do n ' t need to exercise in a gym , " she said
    她说: “妇女们其实并不需要在健身房中进行锻炼


        进行:    be in progress; be underway; ...
        锻炼:    take exercise; have physical ...
        进行锻炼,训练:    work out
        步行锻炼:    exercise walking
        步行锻炼法:    deambulation
        进行体育锻炼:    have sports; take exercise
        国际步行锻炼爱好者联合会:    ifp; international federation of pedestrians
        锻炼身体,进行运动:    take exercise
        平行锻:    parallel land
        锻炼:    1.(体育锻炼) take exercise; have physical training 锻炼好身体 build up a strong constitution; 经常锻炼以保持健康 train regularly to keep fit; 热心地从事体育锻炼 pursue one's athletic exercises with zest; 他长期缺乏锻炼。 he had been short of exercise for a long time. 智能的锻炼同身体的运动同样重要。 exercise of the mental faculties is as important as bodily excercise.2.(磨炼) temper; steel; toughen 在劳动中锻炼自己 steel oneself in labour; 劳动锻炼 temper oneself through manual labour; 在大风大浪中经受锻炼 be tempered in [through] the great storms
        步行锻练:    grind
        锻炼,运动:    exercises
        锻炼,做操:    exercise
        锻炼锤:    shingling hammer
        锻炼期:    hardening period
        锻炼者:    exerciser
        反锻炼:    detraining
        进行:    1.(开展) be in progress; be underway; go on 进行调查 make an investigation; 进行辩论 enter into a debate; 进行表决 put a question to the vote; 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering; 进行报复 make reprisals; 进行正面教育 educate by using positive examples; 会议的准备工作正在进行。 preparations for the meeting are in progress.2.(从事) carry on; carry out; conduct; make 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test; 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle; 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds3.(前进) be on the march; march; advance; proceed
        training]体育锻炼:    phys tr
        被动锻炼:    passive exercise
        变温锻炼:    change of temperature hardening; change temperature hardening
        参加锻炼:    take exercise
        产前锻炼:    prenatal care
        从事锻炼:    go into training
        等张锻炼:    isotonic exercise


  1. "进行定影"英文
  2. "进行动态分析"英文
  3. "进行独特的交流"英文
  4. "进行短途起下钻"英文
  5. "进行短暂的休息"英文
  6. "进行锻炼,训练"英文
  7. "进行对话"英文
  8. "进行对照"英文
  9. "进行发送"英文
  10. "进行罚球"英文


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