

  • to carry out a climb and descent
  • 进行:    be in progress; be underway; ...
  • 爬升:    climbout; swash; climb; mobi ...
  • :    mix; blend
  • 下降:    descend; go or come down; dr ...
  • 上升和下降:    to ascend and to descend


        进行:    be in progress; be underway; ...
        爬升:    climbout; swash; climb; mobi ...
        :    mix; blend
        下降:    descend; go or come down; dr ...
        上升和下降:    to ascend and to descend
        上升和下降时间:    rise and fall times
        周期性上升和下降:    cyclic upturn and downturn; cyclical upturn and downturn
        那么,一切上升和下降了一会儿,然后:    well, everything goes uand down for a while, and then alex and
        进行自转下降:    make an aviation
        立即进行下降:    to make immediate descent
        爬升:    [航空] climbout; swash; climb; mobility◇爬升机构 climbing device; 爬升角 angle of climb; 爬升塔式起重机 climbing tower crane
        进行穿云下降程序:    to execute a letdown procedure
        铲行爬地齿:    spade bug; spadebug; spare bug
        上和下:    uand down; uanddown; uploading and downloading; upper and lower
        顶升和支撑:    lifting and shoring
        提升和调动:    promotion and transfer
        下降:    descend; go or come down; drop; fall; decrease (in); decline; fall off; droop; downgrade 逐渐下降 decrease by degrees; 生产[体重] 下降 decrease in production [weight]; 引起下降 bring about its decline; 持续下降 steady decline; 下降到次要位置[地位] be relegated to a secondary position; 出生率下降 a decline in the birth rate; the birthrate is on the decline. 价格下降。 the prices are declining. 飞机正在下降。 the plane was descending. 气温显著下降。 there was a marked drop in temperature. 生产成本逐年下降。 production costs come down every year. 销售量下降了。 sales have dropped off
        爬升角:    angle of climbing; climb angle
        爬升率:    climb rate; rate of climb; rate-of-climb
        哈恩氏和下:    hahns
        和下加拿大:    lower canada
        和下瓦提:    koxawat
        和下议院:    the house of representative
        缓和下来:    simmer down
        上和下,低与高:    lower and upper


  1. "进行募捐"英文
  2. "进行目的制动(对溜放车辆)"英文
  3. "进行目录"英文
  4. "进行目视飞行"英文
  5. "进行内部调查"英文
  6. "进行牌型计算"英文
  7. "进行品种间杂交"英文
  8. "进行平面波"英文


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