进行: be in progress; be underway; ...宣传: conduct propaganda; propagat ...进行宣传鼓动: conduct propaganda and agitation instigate不允许直接面对消费者进行宣传: prescription only medicines poms进行宣誓: taking of oaths航空旅行宣传小册子: airline brochure就恶意问题进行宣誓: iurare de calumnia; iuraredecalumnia宣传: conduct propagandapropagatedisseminategive publicity to行宣福礼: beatify进行: 1.(开展) be in progress; be underway; go on 进行调查 make an investigation; 进行辩论 enter into a debate; 进行表决 put a question to the vote; 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering; 进行报复 make reprisals; 进行正面教育 educate by using positive examples; 会议的准备工作正在进行。 preparations for the meeting are in progress.2.(从事) carry on; carry out; conduct; make 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test; 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle; 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds3.(前进) be on the march; march; advance; proceed宣传员 宣传的: propagandist暗宣传: black propaganda传播,宣传: propagation大宣传: drive反宣传: 1.(相反的宣传) counterpropaganda2.(造谣中伤) slander campaign◇反宣传广告 anticommercial公布, 宣传: give publicity to宣传板: publicity board宣传部: a413; propaganda department; publicity department宣传册: brochure; e-catalogue宣传车: bandwagon; mobile library; mobile louderspeaker; propa宣传处: pps宣传戳: slogan mark宣传袋: actan; sacramento; secure future宣传单: hand bill宣传的: propagandist; tendencious