



        进行:    be in progress; be underway; ...
        哲学:    philosophy
        探讨:    inquire into; probe into
        粒子“可分性”问题的哲学探讨:    discussion on separating of particle
        爬行哲学:    the theory of going at a snail's pace
        关于崇高与美的观念起源之哲学探讨:    a philosophical enquiry into...the sublime and beautiful
        物理教学探讨:    journal of physics teaching
        对……进行探讨:    make an approach to
        大学英语词汇教学探讨:    on college english vocabulary teaching
        分类方法, 分类学探讨方法:    taxonomic approach
        计算机专业英语教学探讨:    a probe into the teaching of computer professional english
        信息检索课双语教学探讨:    bilingual teaching investigation of information retrieval course
        中学英语词汇教学探讨:    discussion on english vocabulary teaching in middle school
        大学专业英语阅读教学探讨:    university professional english reading course study and discussion
        工业设计课程实践教学探讨:    a discussion of practice teaching of industry design
        英语专业基础阶段词汇教学探讨:    the teaching of vocabulary in the junior stages of english department
        探讨:    inquire into; probe into; investigation 从不同角度对问题进行探讨 approach a subject from different angles; 探讨性的发言 an exploratory speech
        从不同角度对问题进行探讨:    approach a subject from different angles
        哲学:    philosophy 处世哲学 sb.'s philosophy of living; 古典哲学 classical philosophy; 马克思主义的辩证唯物主义哲学 marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism; 中庸哲学 a middle-of-the-road philosophy; doctrine of means; 哲学博士 doctor of philosophy; 哲学家 philosopher;哲学思想 philosophical thinking; 哲学体系 philosophy; 哲学系 philosophy department; 哲学原理 metaphysics
        探讨,论述:    treat of
        进行:    1.(开展) be in progress; be underway; go on 进行调查 make an investigation; 进行辩论 enter into a debate; 进行表决 put a question to the vote; 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and profiteering; 进行报复 make reprisals; 进行正面教育 educate by using positive examples; 会议的准备工作正在进行。 preparations for the meeting are in progress.2.(从事) carry on; carry out; conduct; make 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test; 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle; 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds3.(前进) be on the march; march; advance; proceed
        光学探测:    optical acquisition; optical acquistion; optical detection
        光学探测器:    optical detector; optoacoustic detector
        光学探头:    optic probe
        化学探测:    chemical probing


  1. "进行运输的意向通知"英文
  2. "进行杂交育种"英文
  3. "进行在页面中查找"英文
  4. "进行造园工程"英文
  5. "进行战略性调整"英文
  6. "进行真枪实弹的演习"英文
  7. "进行针锋相对的斗争"英文
  8. "进行侦察活动"英文
  9. "进行侦听的"英文
  10. "进行诊断"英文


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