进行: be in progress; be underway; ...全面: overall; comprehensive; all- ...灌水: irrigation; watering进行全面灌水 全面浇水: overallwatering全面灌水: all over irrigation进行全面检查: b have an overall check; have an overall check环顾, 观光, 进行全面考虑: look round锋面灌水: total irrigation进行全备份: fully backup进行全国人口普查: carry out national population census进行全身健康检查: run a tape over全面进行生产: full-scale operation全面进行生产 全面运转: full-scaleoperation对闸板防喷器进行全压试压: full pressure test the ram preventers冠军组(各组冠军进行全场决赛): three height class五行全: fulfilment of five elements地面灌溉: surface irrigation全面: overallcomprehensiveall-roundentire并行全加器: parallel full adder串行全加器: serial full adder串行全减器: serial full subtracter; serial full subtractor; subtracter, fuil(serial)灌水吧: water bar灌水法: douche; irrigation method灌水沟: corrugation; feed ditch; irrigation ditch; irrigation furrow灌水机: drenching apparatus