进行: be in progress; be underway; ...一次: once试验: experiment; test; trial进行一次试井: running a well test第一次试验: fgge一次试验: first trial st trial; first trial;st trial进行一次旅行: go on a trip进行一次训练: to conduct a training乘船进行一次旅行: take a boat trip进行一次学校旅行: be on a school trip调查每十年进行一次: which will be repeated at 10-year intervals进行一次地心之旅多姆山: le puy-de-dôme进行一次详细的解释: launched into a detailed explanation进行一次压力恢复测试: running a build-up十年进行一次的人口普查: decennial census大气研究方案第一次全球试验第一次试验: firstgarpglobalexperiment带全家去进行一次很爽的度假: i'd take my family on a fantastic holiday带她进行一次长时间的散步: take her for a long walk据我所知下周将进行一次郊游: according to what i have learnt we are going to have an outing next week他们出发去进行一次危险的远征: they started on a dangerous expedition要求对发动机进行一次检查: to call for an examination of engine上行一次波: upgoing primary初次试验: initial testing; maiden trial二次试验: second trial;2nd trial分次试验餐: fractional test meal