进: advance; move forward; move ...接: come into contact with; come ...【医学】渐进接种。: intensive inoculation滑进接球: sliding catch渐进接触: progressive contact进接服务: access server进接埋设式: direct built in system进接头辞: binary prefixes前进接触角: advancing contact angle; advancingcontactangle十进接点: decade contact分码多重进接: cdma划码多路进接: cdma油前进接触角: oil advancing contact angle个人进接通讯系统: personal access communications system静止前进接触角: static advancing contact angle零速前进接触角: zero-velocity advancing contact angle水的平衡前进接触角: equilibrium water-advancing contact angle进角: angle of entrance; inlet angle进胶口: feed nip进浆口: stock inlet进阶: advanced placement ap; ap=advanced placement; catia; mysql; pdg; topsolid进见之礼: a gift at the first meeting进阶版: advanced edition; home premium进见: call on (sb. holding high office); have an audience with