进口: enter port; sail into a port ...钻石: diamond; brilliant jewel识别: discriminate; distinguish; d ...制度: system; institution甄别制度: screening system功能界别制度: functional constituency system旅馆的特别制度说明: listing the special rules at a hotel进口签证制度: import lice ing system; import licensing system进口限额制度: import quotas system这样做会打乱工资级别制度: that would upset the wage differential出进口许可制度: export and import licensing system进口许可证制度: import license system; import licensing system弧口钻: gouge bit开口钻: tapping drill铁口钻: taphole drilling锥口钻: countersink大家识别真正为韩国进口: made in korea钻石: 1.(金刚石) diamond; brilliant2.(宝石) jewel◇钻石婚 diamond wedding进口安全质量许可制度: ccib单刃锥口钻: sole cutting edge countersink多刃锥口钻: multiple cutting edge countersink; multiple-cutting edge countersink风动开口钻: air-operated taphole drill螺旋锥口钻: snail countersink木工锥口钻: countersink for wood working平口钻头: flat bit
进口钻石识别制度的法语:système d’identification des diamants importés进口钻石识别制度的俄语:система идентификации происхождения импортируемых алмазов进口钻石识别制度的阿拉伯语:نظام تحديد الاستيراد;