Import : starting from april 1 , 1996 , the import of equipment and raw materials purchased by newly established foreign - funded enterprises within the stipulatedtotal investment is subject to import tariff and import link tax 进口:自1996年4月1日起,对新批准设立的外商投资企业投资总额内进口的设备和原材料,一律按法定税率征收关税和进口环节税。
The import of machinery , equipment , dies and spare parts necessary for production , machinery , equipment and raw materials needed in the infrastructure construction , and office supplies for self - use will be exempted from tariffs and improt vat 生产所需的机器,设备,模具,维修用零配件,基础设施建设所需的机器、设备,建设用基建物资,自用办公用品,免征海关关税和进口环节税
1 self - used construction materials , manufacturing equipments , fuel for production , spare parts and office equipments are tariff free and import tax free . cargoes for storage and raw materals for export - processing are bonded . they are all free of import and export licenses and quotas 免征关税和进口环节税进口用于区内建设所需的仪器设备和其他基建物资。免征关税为储存而进口的货物及转口货物。
Enterprises within free port are exempted from duty and import vat for self - use machines , equipment , construction materials , facilities for manufacturing and management ; office facilities , spare parts for maintenance and fuels for production 境外运入港区的企业建设所需机器、设备和基建物资等,企业自用的生产、管理和合理数量的办公用品及所需维修零配件、生产用燃料、设备等免关税和进口环节税。