进口报关: customs entry; import entry手续: procedures; formalities; rou ...进口: enter port; sail into a port ...报告: report; make known; inform单: singular number fate; destin ...进口报关手续: customs entry进口报告单: customs entry进口报关;进口报关单: import declaration出口报关手续: customs clearing procedure for export进口报关: customs entry; enter inwards; import customs clearance; import declaration; import entry进口报关单: bill of entry (b/e); customs declaration entry; declaration for importation; entry inwards; import declaration; import entry进口报告书: be bill of entry船舶进口报关: vessel entry进口报关格式: customs entry form进口报关清单: inward manifest免税品进口报关单: transhipment free entry完税进口报关单: entry for home use消费商品进口报关: a consumption entry出口货物报单;出口报关手续: outward entry船舶进口报告书: report of inward vessel进口报单: declaration for importation; entrance notice进口报税单: home use entry进口报送: enter inward国内消费进口报关单: entry for home use免税货物进口报关单: entry for free goods