

发音:   用"进口准许证"造句


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  1. In addition , an important entity shall have acquired the import permit for the import of narcotics and psychotropic drugs
    进口麻醉药品、精神药品,还必须取得国家食品药品监督管理局核发的麻醉药品、精神药品《进口准许证》 。
  2. As to the narcotics and psychotropic drugs , the customs shall handle the procedures for the customs declaration and clearance upon the strength of the import permit issued by state food and drug administration
  3. For narcotics and psychotropic drugs , after the port drug inspection office has completed the sampling , it shall give a clear indication of “ sampled ” on the original import permit , and to which it shall affix its official seal


        进口:    enter port; sail into a port ...
        :    prove; verify; demonstrate
        小量进口准许证:    colligenda bona defuncti
        小量进口准许证小量进口准许证:    colligenda bona defuncti
        准许证:    permit
        长期准许证:    standing permit
        撤销准许证:    revocation of licence
        挖掘准许证:    excavation permit
        许可证,准许证:    permit
        进口准单:    import permit
        牌照;许可证;准许证;准许:    permit
        起货单, 上岸准许证:    landing permit
        挖掘准许证;掘路许可证:    excavation permit
        准许进口的货单:    positive list
        准许进口的通知:    entrance notice
        准许:    admission to; admittance; allowance; approval; clearing; clear(or cleared); give permission; give the green light; goahead; guesswork; permits; permittance; to allow; to grant; to permit
        准许进口的货单, 积极的进口商品表:    positive list
        特许证:    authorization credential; charter of conce ion; charter of concession; chartered concession; diploma; letter patent; letters of overt; licenses; oil permit; special permit
        人口准则:    population criteria
        转口准单:    tra ortation permit; transportation permit
        武器出口准则:    arms export criteria; criteria
        进口:    1.(船只进港) enter port; sail into a port2.(外贸进口) import3.(入口) entrance; [机械工程] inlet; admission intake◇进口保证金 import deposit; 进口报单 consumption entry; 进口报关 customs entry; import entry; 进口报关单 import declaration; import entry; 进口补报 post entry; 进口补贴 import subsidy; 进口差额税 variable import levies; 进口差价税 variable import levies; 进口承诺 import commitment; 进口存款制 import deposit scheme; 进口代办行 import commission; 进口代理商 import commission house; import agent; 进口登记证明书 registration certificate of import; 进口定货单 indent; import order; 进口附加税 import surcharge; import surtax; 进口港 port of import; port of entry; 进口跟单汇票 inward documentary bill; documentary import bill; 进口估价 valuation of import; 进口管制 import control; 进口过境单 transit pass for imports; 进口黄金点 import gold point; 进口汇票 import bill; 进口货物 import cargoes; 进口货物报单 entry for consumption; 进口货物估价表 import valuation list; 进口检疫 import quarantine; 进口净值 net import value; 进口卡特尔 import cartel; 进口量 import volume; 进口贸易量指数 index number of import quantum; 进口配额[限额] import quota; 进口签证更改 imports amendment; 进口签证许可制 import licensing system; 进口商 import merchant; importer; 进口商品 import commodity; 进口申报 declaration for import; 进口手续 process of import; entry formalities; 进口水陆运费 inward freight and cartage; 进口税 import duty; inwards; 进口税则 import tariff; 进口损失 entrance loss; entry loss; 进口替代产品 import substitute; 进口替代产品生产企业 enterprises producing import substitutes; 进口统计表 import list; 进口外汇 import exchange; 进口违禁品 contraband of import; 进口限额 import quota; 进口信用证 import letter of credit; 进口许可证 import licence [license]; import permit; import authorization; 进口许可证明 certificate of import licence; 进口许可证制 import licence system; 进口押金办法 import deposit scheme; 进口押金制 import deposit scheme; 进口盈利指数 import profit indices; 进口杂费 import sundry charges; 进口资金融通 import financing; 进口总额 total import; 进口总值 gross import
        捕押特许证:    letter of marque; letter mart; letters of marque and reprisal
        功能特许证:    function authority credentials
        特许证书:    charter; letters overt; letters patent


  1. "进口锥管"英文
  2. "进口锥体"英文
  3. "进口锥体 嘴 鼻突 口吻"英文
  4. "进口锥形鸟"英文
  5. "进口准单"英文
  6. "进口咨询委员会"英文
  7. "进口资金融通"英文
  8. "进口总额"英文
  9. "进口总数"英文


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