The applicant is the only person allowed into the u . s . consulate for a visa interview 只有申请人本人才可允许进入领事馆面谈。
Relatives , friends , co - workers , employers , lawyers , etc . will not be allowed into the building 亲戚,朋友,同事,雇主,或律师是不允许陪同进入领事馆。
Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge . please contact us to reserve a seat one day in advance and bring your id card for security check 欢迎您踊跃参加文化处活动。请提前一天与我们联系预约座位,携带身份证或护照原件进入领事馆。
进入: get into; enter; entry; ente ...领事馆: consulate领事馆: co ulate; consular office; consulate领事馆(总领事馆): consulate (-general)副领事馆: vice-consulate领事馆官员: co ular officer; co ularofficer; consular officer外国领事馆: foreign consulate总领事馆: co ulate-general; consulate general; consulate-general领事馆领事李浩然: harald richter艾玛达领事馆: ammatar consulate进入领先地位: move/go into the lead大使馆领事馆费用: expenses of embassies and consulates领事馆管辖领区: consulate district领事馆海运顾问: consular shipping adviser领事馆经济商务部: consulate economic commercial sections领事馆文化教育处: australian education international一名领事馆发言人: a consulate spokesman英国驻港总领事馆: british consulate-general hong kong英国驻马赛领事馆: the british consulate in marseilles稳步进入领先地位: forge into the lead ie gradually overtake sb大使馆或领事馆的办事处: office where business is done in an embassy or a consulate领事馆房产的不可侵犯权: inviolability of consular premises外交领事馆的庇护权: asylum in the premises of a diplomatic mission中国大使馆及领事馆: chinese embassy and consulate总领事馆经济商务室: china's consulate