进入: get into; enter; entry; ente ...许可: permit; allow; permission; a ...进入许可证: access permit点击进入许可: click-through license临时进入许可: temporary admission回美证(再次进入许可): re-entry permit出入许可证: entry pass接入许可: access permission输入许可: import admission; licensing of import输入许可证: import license; import permit; important licence暂时输入许可: temporary admission不结汇输入许可证: import permit without foreign exchange settlement分批输入许可证: subcovering license普通输入许可证: open general license综合输入许可证: covering license许可进入: admit into; admit to小件货物运入许可证: invoice licence许可: permit; allow; permission; allowance; consent; licence 凡是条件许可的地方 wherever conditions permit; 如时间许可 if time permits; 天气许可的话 weather permitting进入: get into; enter; entry; entering; entrance; incoming; dipping; ingress; intro- 进入决赛阶段 enter the finals; 进入角色 enter into the spirit of a character; live one's part; 进入战斗 go into action; 进入阵地 get into position; 进入新阶段 enter upon a new phase; 她已进入了更年期。 she has entered upon the change of life. 10月1日 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。 he entered on his second year of office as premier on oct. 1. 部队已进入战备状态。 the troops have entered into combat readiness日摄入许容量: acceptable daily intake; adi许可,执照,许可证: n许可许可证: permit不许可: disallowance; disapproval; impermissibility读许可: read permission分许可: sub-license