- engaging friction
- 进入: get into; enter; entry; ente ...
- 摩擦: rub; chafe
- 再入摩擦: re-entry friction
- 进入: get into; enter; entry; entering; entrance; incoming; dipping; ingress; intro- 进入决赛阶段 enter the finals; 进入角色 enter into the spirit of a character; live one's part; 进入战斗 go into action; 进入阵地 get into position; 进入新阶段 enter upon a new phase; 她已进入了更年期。 she has entered upon the change of life. 10月1日 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头。 he entered on his second year of office as premier on oct. 1. 部队已进入战备状态。 the troops have entered into combat readiness
- 摩擦: 1.(互相接触的两物体作来回相对运动) rub; chafe 轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。 the journal rubs against the bearing surface.2.[物理学] (相互接触的两物体在接触面上发生阻碍相对运动的现象) friction 滚动摩擦 rolling friction; 滑动摩擦 sliding friction; 把油涂到机器上减少摩擦。 oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction.3.(因利害冲突而引起的明争暗斗) friction; conflict; clash 内部摩擦 internal friction; 与某人发生摩擦 have a brush with sb.; 制造摩擦 create friction; 两国间的摩擦终于导致了一场战争。 the conflict between the two countries finally caused a war. 就我们来说, 这种摩擦是被动式的。 as far as we are concerned, these frictions are not of our own making [have been imposed on us].; 摩擦层 frictional layer; boundary; 摩擦辅音 fricative consonant; 摩擦计 tribometer; 摩擦力 friction; frictional force; 摩擦抛光 burnishing; 摩擦抛光器 burnisher; 摩擦片 friction plate; 摩擦音 fricative