这: this篇: a piece of writing文章: literary works; writings; es ...有: 5年 fifteen years看法: a way of looking at a thing; ...见这篇文章: this classic paper这篇文章: this article这篇文章请率: please rate this article对价格有何看法: what about the price穷富 阅读这篇文章: rich and poor这篇文章层次不清: this article lacks unity and coherence这篇文章可参阅: this article can be read for reference这篇文章请你过目: here's the essay for you to look over这篇文章条理清楚: the article is well organized这篇文章已经定稿: the draft of this article has been finalized. final version or text这篇文章充满了暗示: the article is full of suggestions这篇文章还得顺一顺: this essay needs polishing. be suitable这篇文章前后不相应: the composition is not well organized这篇文章写得很拉杂: the article is very badly organized这篇文章写得太呆板: this article is rather hackneyed这篇文章需要润色一下: this article needs polishing这篇文章组织得很好: this article is well organized篇文章: the station参考使用的术语,在这篇文章中: reference terms used in this article读了这篇文章后,我浮想联翩浮心: buoyant centrecentre of buoyancycentre of displacement