这: this医院: hospital; nosodochium; nosoc ...建: build; construct; erect一: one九: nine八: eight二: two年: year这所医院有300个床位: the hospital has three hundred beds这所医院有三百张病床: the hospital has three hundred beds工厂计划于一九八五年前后建成: the plant is scheduled to be completed around她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟: she was born at two o'clock in the morning september eighth新 (一九八四): newspeak一九八四: nineteen eighty-four一所医院: a hospital医院建筑: hospitalarchitecture创办一所医院: found a hospital在这(那)所医院里: in the hospital一九八零月宫宝盒: the thief of bagdad诞生于一八二○年: be born in 1820在一九九二年秋: in the fall of 199 harvest time他生于一九五○年: he was born in 195前内阁在一九八九年下台: the previous cabinet went out of power in 198八二: hachiji建于: kaaba