这: this很: very; quite; awfully自然: nature; natural world看起来很自然的化妆: a naturally finished look食水很自然会有波动: water hammer她唱歌的嗓音很自然: she sings with a natural voice她说英语语调很自然: she speaks english with very natural intonation很自然地使用了正确的单词: unconscious choice of the right word开始试验时有时不很顺手也是很自然的: without extra trouble外国人有时候会很自然的提出: let us go dutch在舞台表演看起来很自然大方: look comfortable on stage很自信: sure of oneself这很臭: that stinks这很好: it's all right; that would be fine; that's good because a departmental acceptance would be insufficient; that's neat很自信地: with an或者很自豪: or bursting with pride你很自大: you are bigheaded他很自负: he is rather conceited我很自在: i'm easy离这很近: it’s near here虽然这很难: we make it harder than it has to be这很简单: easily这很困难: it's hard to even try这很清楚: it was clear这很容易: it's a piece of cake