些: some; a few; a little别的: other吗: what还要别的吗: any thing else; helyourself anything else另外你还要些什么: would you like anything else还有别的吗: anything else在离我家远处有些别的东西: there's something out there far from my home问顾客是否还要别的东西: asking a customer whether he (or she) wants anything else; asking a customer whether he wants anything else还要: again once again and as well; all the same; still ever even more ere wa kemuni wangga多穿些别冻着: put on more clothes so you don't catch cold真的吗: really你想要些什么: do you want something还要像: tryonebogues还要选: position list兄弟,你需要些什么: man,what do you need-姆是真的吗: what is that true能听我的吗: how can you expect him to listen to me when he你说真的吗: are you serious哦是真的吗: oh is it true是真的吗: you don't say有打折的吗: is there a discount on something这是你的吗: is this yours真的吗?你真棒: really you are so bad拯救的吗: of bastard saints等竞争,还要与: aol