还原: return to the original condi ...还原蓝: vat blue还原蓝19: blue还原蓝21: blue还原蓝bc: vat blue bc还原蓝rsn: vat blue rsn还原蓝粉: threne blue powder可溶性还原蓝: soluble vat blue硫化还原蓝rnx: sulphur indanthrene blue rnx阴丹士林蓝,标准还原蓝色: indanthrene color原蓝v: patent blue v原蓝专利: blue patent还原: 1.(恢复原状) return to the original condition or shape; restore2.[化学] (还原作用) reduction; deacidizing; deoxidation; recondition; electronation; regeneration; revivification; resetting; vatting; reducing◇还原剂 reducer; reducing agent; reducing matter; reducing material; reducing medium; reductant; 还原酶 reductase; reducasegdp-4-酮-6-脱氧-d-甘露糖还原酶: gdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-mannose reductase专利蓝v,原蓝v: patent blue v还原釜, 还原器: reduction kettle4个4: four fours4或4点: four or four-spot4月4日: april 4反转,还原: reversion钙还原: calcium reduction共还原: coreduction光还原: photoreduction过还原: overreduction还原(动): reduce