They also impede backmixing of sand . 同时也可防止砂子的返混。
Solids may often be represented by backmix flow . 固体颗粒常常可以表示为返混流。
These findings show that flow in fluidized beds lies squarely between the extremes of plug and backmix flow . 这些结果说明了流化床内流动恰好位于活塞流与返混流两个极端之间。
All but plug and backmix flow require rather sophisticated mathematical analysis to yield the necessary information . 除了活塞流与返混流之外,其它都需要比较深的数学分析,才能获得必要的资料。
The calculation of the reaction with confusion in axial direction 有轴向返混时反应物浓度的计算