近邻: near neighbour; neighbour; c ...法: law最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...短: short; brief矩: carpenter's square; square r ...离: leave; part from; be away fr ...k-最近邻法: k-nearest neighbor method; k-nearest neighbour method最近邻法: nearest neighbor method垂直短矩离升降: vstol毗邻法,最近邻法,最小样方面积: nearest neighbor method近邻: near neighbour; neighbour; close neighbour 中国和日本是一衣带水的近邻。 china and japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water. 远亲不如近邻。 a good neighbour is better than a brother far off最短: min弯矩离合器: biegemomentkoppelung bending torque disengagement最远邻法: furthest neighbor method近邻的: uptown近邻星: nearby star最近邻: nearest neighbors; nearest-neighbor短矩著陆速率: speed; short takeoff高转矩离合器: high―torque clutch滤袋抽出矩离: filter bag eject distance剥离法: method of stripping; peel off method; stripping method撤离法: decantation method单离法: isolation method电离法: ionization method分离法: partition method; separation method