Machine structure and layout mode of every axis is confirmed according to the parameter design of measuring system , and feasibility of plan is validated further by analysis and emluator to structure parameter 作者根据测量系统的参数设计,确定了各运动轴的机械结构和布局方式,并通过对机构参数的分析仿真,进一步验证了方案的可行性。
It shows that when wave propagates along axis direction , the displacements of radial , axis direction and the change of electric field are coupling each other , and there is dispersing phenomenon , and the displacement of circle direction can figure out independently , it has not dispersing phenomenon 发现当波沿着圆柱壳体轴向传播时,物质的径向运动轴向运动和电势的变化相互耦合,伴有频散现象但是扭转运动可以独立表示,并且同电场无关,无频散现象。
Chapter 6 discusses post processing of fiber paths and collision control during winding , proposes mathematical principles and detail algorithm of generating machine paths . finally , examples of elbow fabrication are shown in chapter 7 to prove the reliability of this system 第六章讨论了缠绕弯管cam ? ?纤维路径后处理,研究了缠绕机加工弯管时各运动轴之间的碰撞控制和纤维束扭曲问题,给出了生成机器路径的数学原理;建立了计算机器路径的方程组,并给出了脱机生成机器路径的具体算法。
The centralized and modularized design not only reduce the floor space occupied by the machine , but also make it possible to carry out the machining of similar workpieces by changing the fixture and adjusting individual couple ? axle , therefore , the machine possesses well adaptability , which makes the investment reduced and the cost cut down 集成化与模块化设计,除减少占地面积外,只更换夹具和调整个别运动轴就可进行相似零件的加工,适应性强,减少投资,降低成本。
The design of the medicine fetching system with sound structure and advanced technology is the key to meeting the requirement . in the part of hardware design , the method of composing position - servo controller using gt400sg is presented . in the part of software design , the whole structure of the control software on the platform of windows nt is studied 考虑到对取药机械手多个运动轴控制上的协调与可靠,提出了基于多轴运动控制器的取药控制系统方案,给出了运用gt400sg运动控制器构成位置伺服控制器的硬件方法;在控制软件设计部分,研究了在windowsnt操作系统下的控制软件的总体结构,选用visualc + +作为软件开发平台。