运动: arrange things or get things ...生理: physiology极限: the limit; the maximum; the ...生理极限: physiological limit练习生理极限: physiological limit of practice运动生理学: athletic physiology; exercise physiology; physiology of exercise被动生理运动: passive physiological movement运动生理学硕士: master of science in exercise physiology运动生理与营养学: exercise physiology and nutrition生理极度: physiological gradient生理极性: physiological polarity处理极限: process bound内管理极限: inner control limits心理极限: mental summit; psychological limit劳动生理: labour physiology劳动生理学: labor physiology; physiology of labour; work physiology能动生理学: activist psychology振动生理效应: physiological effects of vibration运动生态学: ecology of sport运动生物学: exercise physiology肌肉力量的心理极限: mental summit of muscular strength肌肉活动生理学: physiology of muscular activity如此运动生涯: this sporting life运动生物化学: sports biochemistry运动生物力学: biomechanics of orts; biomechanics of sports